6 Steps to Begin + FAQs- Please read
1. Download Book One Piano Recording and listen* to it in the background of daily life with your child for 2-4 weeks!
2. Get the best piano you can afford viewing it as an education investment. An inferior piano which cannot be tuned will be frustrating for you and your child. Visit local piano shops before purchasing. The feel of an acoustic piano is different than a digital instrument. Some high end weighted-key instruments are very adequate, but I recommend an acoustic instrument.
Get an adjustable foot stool and an adjustable bench. Don't be intimidated by the process of seeking a good instrument, there are many available for no or low-cost, including rentals. Local shops like Callahan and DC Pianos have knowledgable staff.
3. Contact Kathy. Schedule a short call, then, if appropriate, your 1st short 15 minute studio visit for parent and child. It’s a time to meet one another, to see the studio and to get a sense of how lessons will feel. I am vaccinated and all student families must be currently vaccinated.
4. Read short book on Suzuki philosophy, Nurtured by Love, by Shinichi Suzuki (for parent). Take notes on issues of interest to you and your child specifically to discuss.
5. Schedule Shadow**lessons, parent and student together observing.
6. Schedule your parent sessions: 3 on repertoire, 1 philosophy/studio policies/Q and A.
-What is the youngest age you take? A: This depends on the parent’s expectations, as early as 3, often 4! A very young child will enjoy activities around the piano, on the floor doing games, singing and preparing for longer time at the keys.
-Do you take transfers? A: only Suzuki students, referrals carry weight!
-Do you teach adults? A: Yes, following the Suzuki approach, often parents of my students.
-Can my children take the summer off? A: Vacations are encouraged, but all students schedule at least 10 lessons over the summer months even if during a weeklong intensive to fit special travel in
-Do you teach on weekends? A: No - I teach only M-TH and reserve F/SA/SUN for prep, recitals and family time
-Do you keep a waitlist? A: Yes, please inquire about timing of openings
-Do you actually tell students only to play/practice the piano on days they eat? A: Yes! Get creative, help them feel like piano is part of life!